
Fourth Watch African Investments is an active investor in Diligence Limestone (Zambia) Limited through its investment firm Fourth Watch African Investments. Diligence Limestone (Zambia) Limited is a startup company that was formed in 2014. It is owned in partnership with five Zambian entrepreneurs. The principal line of business at this time is Diligence Brick & Block.

Diligence Brick & Block runs a factory in Ndola, Zambia that was commissioned in October 2014 and has been in continuous operation since then. Diligence produces hollow blocks and paver stones from limestone and cement, supplying the construction industry in the Copperbelt province.

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Fourth Watch African Investments is an active investor in ZamCan Farms (Zambia) Limited through its investment firm Fourth Watch African Investments. ZamCan Farms is a newly-formed joint venture company in partnership with a Zambian registered business known as Karea Farms.

ZamCan Farms runs a mixed farm in the Fatima area of Ndola, Zambia. The farm has previously been operated by Karea Farms for several years. Current products include cabbage and other vegetables, poultry, and pork. In the future ZamCan hopes to add fish (pond farming) to its production. Although small by commercial standards, the farm has been growing steadily through the solid management and aggressive re-investment by the original owners

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